Latest reports

Red drum tackle Fishing Report by Harper Reed

Just droppin' a line about my fishin' adventure at Red drum tackle. Epic tales ahead! The reel was spinnin' non-stop today; those fish at Red drum tackle were on a feeding spree! Anglers have had a challenging yet rewarding week, with the weather being a mix of sunny spells and scattered showers. Even without a trophy catch, the sheer joy of being out on the water at Red drum tackle was a reward in itself. Oh man, slayin' at Red drum tackle, fish are totally on fire today! Reeling off for now, but the water's always calling.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Pumicestone passage Fishing Report by Mia Perez

Reeled in more than fish at Pumicestone passage. Got tales to tell. The struggle was real but worth it when I finally landed a big one at Pumicestone passage! The ripple of the water around our lines at Pumicestone passage hinted at the frenzy of activity just below the surface. Nature's puttin' on a show, and so are the Catfish at Pumicestone passage! Remember, every day's a new chance to fish.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Corinella Fishing Report by Joseph Rogers

Hey, Corinella's fish are callin'. Here's what they said. It was a dance of patience and excitement, waiting for the next big catch at Corinella. The reel was spinnin' non-stop today; those fish at Corinella were on a feeding spree! As the sun set, the water at Corinella turned to gold, and so did the opportunities for an excellent catch. I've fished many places, but Corinella really stands out with its vibrant marine life. Peace out from Corinella, where the water's fine and the fish are finer.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Md dnr Fishing Report by Navigator John Parker

Wanted to share my fishing forecast after a day at Md dnr on June 23. We've observed a high barometric pressure trend, which typically encourages fish to feed more aggressively. Dude, Pike are straight up showin' off with their sizes today! At Md dnr, each catch is a story in itself, and today's tales were full of unexpected thrills and spills. Those Pike ain't shy, snatchin' up Spoons like crazy! Fishing forever, signing off for now. Keep your reels ready!

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Fishing monthly report Fishing Report by Sebastian Parker

Dive into my fishing journal as I recount the day at Fishing monthly report on June 23. There's no feeling quite like the tug of a lively fish at Fishing monthly report; it's a moment of pure excitement. Fish on! Keep dreaming big and fishing bigger.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Geoff wilson Fishing Report by Sophia Cook

Yo, Geoff wilson was lit with fish today. Here's the rundown. The local wildlife has been an added bonus, with sightings of Kingfishers enhancing the overall experience. Even without a trophy catch, the sheer joy of being out on the water at Geoff wilson was a reward in itself. Keep your coolers chilled and your hooks ready!

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Two rocks Fishing Report by Grace Garcia

Just cruisin' back from a fish fest at Two rocks. Got some fish tales for ya. Fellas, the fish at Two rocks are hittin' so hard, you'd think they're angry at the bait! Even without a trophy catch, the sheer joy of being out on the water at Two rocks was a reward in itself. Remember, every cast is a chance at a new story.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Forster Fishing Report by Ella Carter

Just me and my rod at Forster. Caught more than fish, caught stories! Sure wasn't quiet on the western front, 'cause Forster was a battleground for every cast! Them bites came fast n' furious, barely had a sec to sip my brew! Stoked! Fish at Forster are smashin' our lures! At Forster, each catch is a story in itself, and today's tales were full of unexpected thrills and spills. Peace out! Remember, the best catch is yet to come.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Tarwin river Fishing Report by Noah Brown "Old Salt"

Just me and my rod at Tarwin river. Caught more than fish, caught stories! Rippin' it up, Tarwin river's fish are hella active! Some days are tough at Tarwin river, but today wasn't one of them - the fish were biting like crazy! Water temperatures have been ideal, which seems to have positively impacted the fish's activity levels. Fishin' vibes on point at Tarwin river, catchin' these beauts left and right! From one angler to another, keep chasing those waves.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Avon river Fishing Report by Isabella Morris

Hooked some big ones at Avon river. Fish tales time! Despite not catching as much as I'd hoped, the experience at Avon river was unforgettable. The fish at Avon river were teasing us all day, with nibbles and near catches that kept the excitement high. Cheers to the fish at Avon river, keepin' our nets full! Peace out from Avon river, where the water's fine and the fish are finer.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Sandy straits Fishing Report by Captain Levi Lewis

Fishin' frenzy at Sandy straits. Never a dull moment, here's why. Hook, line, and sinker, Bass are snatchin' up baits like there's no tomorra! The tranquility of Sandy straits combined with a good day's catch was pure bliss. Can't even, these Bass got us workin' overtime, but man, it's worth it! Gone fishin', but the memories keep biting. Till next time!

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024

Campaspe river Fishing Report by Bosun Julian Mitchell

Tackled the waters at Campaspe river. Let me tell ya about it. Many fishermen have found success using Flies, which seems to be the preferred choice for Marlin currently. Every tug on the line at Campaspe river brought an adrenaline rush and the hope of a memorable catch. Bangin' bites at Campaspe river – it's like a fish party down there! Fishers gonna fish. Stay true to the game.

Posted at 00:00 June 23, 2024